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Writer's picturecoffeetime


I generally do not post negativity, nor do I want this to bring that, but have you ever felt so sick and tired of everything revolving around one thing, things like productivity and work like that is the only way we can amount to something and matter. Sometimes we put so much pressure on others, our kids, ourselves to amount to something we forget other things matter and make us just as important, make us great.

It was tough awhile back, I could not even be okay with being sick and taking care of myself because I felt to crappy, not crappy form the sickness, but crappy because of how I could not get up and do anything like I meant nothing because I could not be productive. I always feel I need to be doing something, to be creating something because that is what we were taught. What we observe from others, the ones we look up to. That is then what we feel others expect so much from us. And why is it so much may be expected from one but not another, or at one time this was drilled into us but with age that is no longer important.

Why can’t we sit around and laugh and talk like we used to without work ever coming up. Why can’t we just enjoy each other’s company without competing in success. Without being compared to one another. Why can’t we just be okay with having a lazy day without feeling bad about it or work without bragging about it and making sure others know just how important we are and what all we do? Is this why, to feel we are important?

Maybe we do it to be inspirational, to show others how great they can be. But can’t we just be great in our own ways, as ourselves. Not because of a title, or education, or how much time we spend in a day working and doing something. Why do we feel the need to make sure others are aware we are doing this. Isn’t it just enough that we ourselves know and that’s what drives us. Can’t we inspire anonymously? Is that even a thing?

In counseling we are taught to become aware of ourselves, our thoughts, and feelings that way we remain objective and helpful. Maybe that is why I am questioning so much of this here lately. To try and understand things more and learn more. I do not want to be set in one way but see it from different angles, aspects.

The expectations we place on ourselves and feel others place on us while observing from others but needing to remember we are ourselves and in the end it is not always about those people. And sometimes we are seeing something that is not there, those others are actually not trying to do that at all. We have to work on ourselves, focus on ourselves. If it truly makes you happy to be that way that is fine, but if it does not then why continue it? Why force others to be and do as you do and think?

I like being busy, I like tackling different things which leads me not to finish it, I like a lot of things, but that does not mean I always share it, and that does not mean I also want to miss out on me time, time I do enjoyable activities that others may think is a waste of time or lazy.

Why is this so wrong or is it?


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