Now do not get confused by this title. I am actually excited to go back to school. My husband gave me the idea for this blog title and I really liked it and just had to use it.
Yes I am going back to school starting TODAY!
It has been five years since receiving my Bachelor degree in which I went straight into from High School so it has been five years since any type of schooling.
I am excited because I guess since I am going back for my Master's now it is courses directly related to my major and not just extras or electives or required courses. I am studying subjects that completely and fully interest me and ready to learn more in regards to the subject of Psychology and Counseling. I took my first quiz a week or so ago that did not count for anything and was not even a requirement to take but was for anyone and everyone in the program and loved it (is that weird?😉). It was connected to what I will be studying and without reviewing just took it to see if I have obtained anything over the years from job experience and remembered bachelor college courses and surprisingly did well, but still understand it will not be this easy nor should it be taken lightly when coming to start this program.
Of course, I will be throwing coffee into this blog.
During my former college years coffee was indeed a must. I drank it quite often to wake me as I started my early morning classes or stayed up late staring at a computer screen or reading a book to keep my eyes and mind from drooping away. It was also involved in much study groups and friend meetings for us to vent our own ideas and share our own techniques of getting through.
This time around for 75% of it will be fully online so a new experience. I have already had some time trying to figure out scheduling and how the course works through the sites, but I am getting there. I know that along side all the support I have, coffee will get me by again as most of my time will be staring at a screen and paper. It will be hard work and I will have to get back into a school routine with the rest of life.
At one point and time I wanted to go for my masters right after my bachelors, but psyched myself out due to fear of failing and possibly more in front of people speeches and at the time I was not really sure what I wanted to do with my degree or what career/life path to take and not feeling really prepared for a decision like that yet. Now with more time passed I have more courage and encouragement and time and feel like the last five years have helped prepare me and now I am ready to take this step.
I mainly wanted to share this event in my life to let you know It does not matter how old you are, or how long you wait between high school to go after a degree, or if you just want to mix things up in life, just know if it is in your plans and a goal of yours to get some sort of degree or just want to try it out and take a few courses go for it.
I mean why not?
Even if you fail, even if I fail, or even if you do not like it as much as you would hope at least you know your tried, right?
So I got to ask, is a college degree a goal for you?