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Coffee Mixtures

Updated: Feb 14, 2021

Who else has heard of this Coffee Cola?

I first saw this on a Facebook post of a former college classmate and as soon as I did I knew I had to try it!

I found where I could get them and turns out it comes in three flavors; Dark Blend, Caramel, and Vanilla.

Now I knew, or I hoped, I'd like the Vanilla and Dark Roast. I like coke vanilla and I like French vanilla in my coffee so all in all this should be a great blend. Also I like strong dark roasted coffee bean blends so add it to the sweet bubbly coke and we should be good to go!

As soon as I had all 3 cans of coke coffee in my possession I did not guzzle them down right away. Instead I resisted temptation and waited to share them with someone else I hoped might enjoy the flavored experience as well.

Side note:

If you do not know already I come from a huge family of coffee drinkers, not everyone, but 90% of them. We all enjoy the taste whether the coffee has some sort of flavor added or a small sweet sugary touch is added or just dark and strong, and one of my aunts happens to be one of those members. She used to enjoy the flavor of slightly sweet coffee often and now cannot so I knew she needed to be the one to try these drinks with me.

When I showed up at her house the next morning and told her I had something new for us try she did make a slight face, unsure if she knew she was making it, but I guess unsure she really wanted to try them or if she would like it, I did not care, because I knew she was going to try them with me.

I told her we can try them one a day. First the dark roast then the Vanilla last caramel and that was due to my selfishness, I do not like caramel flavored things, I do not really like caramel items in general, so judging before even tasting it I had already decided the caramel coffee coke was going to be gross.

So yesterday we tried the dark roast coffee coke and it was incredible. The sizzling sweetness of the coke matched with the aftertaste of strong alluring coffee making a great blend. Immediately knowing this drink will be a new addiction for me that will soon end once drinking to much making myself eventually sick on it and of it.

My aunt did say she liked it as well and actually took more then one sip of it, but said she really could not taste the coffee in it. I assume the coke flavor was just to overpowering in this one. However she did add while silently laughing and smiling I was going to give her a heart attack from a caffeine overload. Now I would not say I felt that strong of an effect, but my brain did feel more awakened then before and I took my increased brain activity opportunity for granted and typed on my second book finishing a chapter, so thank you coffee coke.

Then today, we ended up trying the other two back to back instead of splitting them between the next two days. The Vanilla Cola was up first and then Caramel and to my surprise the Vanilla tasted way to much like a cream soda barely any hint of coffee and I did not like it but ended up liking the Caramel a lot and my aunt, agreeing the Vanilla tasted like a cream soda, rather enjoyed it the most out of all three flavors.

Afterwards I shared a picture with my coffee loving dad of the three cans telling him he needed to try these knowing he probably would not and if he did would find them gross. My dad likes his coffee strong and likes if originally plain, no flavoring, as far as I know anyways and does not step outside that box often. I have made him coffee once or twice before of different coffee beans and blends from different places and they did not please his taste buds that is for sure. As I sent the picture I was proven right due to he quickly responded telling me to try them for him and let him know how they tasted and I sure did.

I also plan on giving one of each flavor to my mom so she could try them when she got a chance. I was thinking she would quite enjoy them for sure because she definitely likes the least likeable coffee kcup flavors, or at least they are in my opinion, like Southern Pecan and Hazelnut, she likes to experience out of the box different coffee flavors so I had three new coffee blended drinks for her to try.

All and all this new coffee drink has been an overall positive tasting experience and I hope everyone gets the chance to try these and if you have what is your opinion of them?

What are some coffee mixed drinks you have tried and would suggest?

I love trying new coffee blends and would love to know of more!


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