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Writer's picturecoffeetime

Dallas Cowboys

Me and my twin love to spoil our mom and stepdad, especially our stepdad so what better way then getting him some tickets to see his favorite team play in action on their home turf?

To explain, our plan was to do a yearlong gift that included, birthdays, anniversary, Christmas, etc. My sister got them Nascar tickets in plans of going with them and I got them Dallas Cowboys tickets in plans of going with them. We presented this tickets in paper form to my mom and stepdad on Father’s Day in which he had to take a double take completely shocked he was getting to go to both in one year. He almost becoming speechless which made us so happy, and my mom began laughing with joy.

With this being months in advance time finally came and the Preseason Cowboys vs Texans game came first in August of this year. Just a few months ago.

To start this Cowboys trip off, the hotel we were staying in was full of fans from both the Cowboys and Texans teams in which we ran into a lot. As the evening arrived we showed up fairly early within an empty parking lot with only a few tailgaters. This left us to park wherever we wanted in which my stepdad went from spot to spot (I think having fun with so many options to choose from and driving around the big area) and then he finally found a spot no later than when several more people started showing up. As we walked up to the stadium and to our designated entrance we were directed to go inside and to the left where we were led upstairs to a lounged eating area. It was very nice.

With being so early we went ahead and got food and drinks and enjoy some peace before the crowd appeared and took many pictures. One in which my stepdad took and tagged the stadium in where it appeared on the big jumbotron. Out of all the pictures the one my stepdad had the fortune to make appear for all to see was me make the goofiest face, not even a smile. My mom, husband, and stepdad, all thought this was hilarious and then of course the photo kept showing up repeatedly until the game started, yeah my luck. Anyways I found the laugh in it and found out several others I knew was at this game in which we waved at one another across the big field after locating each other in our seats.

I will say it was an incredible experience even though the boys lost it was still a great game.

There was a huge fan wave sent around the entire arena at least five times, we had fun in observing surrounding fans and what they did, and time flew by realizing how late it had gotten. I must admit, it is hard for me to be a dedicated sports fanatic when it comes on TV because I lose focus with other things I could be doing or just not wanting to sit there and watch a tv but when I can see something like that in person it is so much easier to stay involved and be updated and keep my interest. It was rather fantastic.

Do you like professional football and watch it each year? Are you a Cowboys fan as well?


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