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Writer's picture: coffeetimecoffeetime

What does that word mean to you: Fading?

Better yet, what do you think of when you hear the word: Fading?

Maybe you see a mountain out of a car window or through the car mirror and watch it slowly dissipate, fading into the distance the further you drive away from it. Or is it the fading of a bright color on your favorite blouse as you take it out of the dryer after it being washed for the thousandth time. How about a travelers old picture they carry in their wallet everywhere, constantly looking at even as the person, or people, or thing within it start fading, but they still hold on to it or may be an artist creativity is fading due to a lost muse.

Truth is Fading can mean a lot of things, I mean most words can, can they not?

Depending on your mood at the time or what your doing at that specific time determines what a word, description, means to you in that particular moment.

Honestly, fading can easily be stuck in one's mind due to so many opportunities it relates to and how it can be used, and here lately I see fading everywhere. In myself, in family, in friends, even in strangers. Studying Psychology fading can even be the memory one is losing from suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's or a fading personality when feeling depressed or something worse.

Smiles and laughter fades, bonds and relationships fade, communications faded, peace and kindness fading. Things seemed happier and simpler as a kid, but now it seems every action has to be seen with an underlining meaning like there is something else to it, things hidden to keep everyone at a distance, letting yourself fade into a routine because it is easier until you forget those around you and why you started something to begin with or may be the opposite fade away from a routine because you have no clue what you are doing and just getting by, but do not want the disapproval from others.

Let me ask you something, when you were younger may be you had no worries, had hopes and dreams, did you run after those or let them fade as you grew up and accomplished other things? Other things that may be more societally or culturally approved or something that would impress and make your parents proud. How did it turn out? Did it still fade you or others around you in some way due to unforeseen events?

Put yourself in this situation for a second: Imagine you look at an old family photo for a few moments and reflect, you begin to realize those smiles no longer show on someone else's face today, they just simply faded until they no longer had the ability to show but why? Or watch a home video and then you see those upbeat personalities that brought in family laughter have faded by hopelessness, guilt and regret. Or you have no family pictures and videos to look through because they have dwindled due to faded lost time with everyone making no time for anyone anymore until it is to late.

Now I know a lot of negativity was just read and shown, but just wait here comes the positive form of Fading.

Lets say you let relationships and communication fade, because overall it made you a better person. The toxicity and the way someone made you feel is no longer around to fade yourself away and who you really are.

Then fading would be a good thing, am I right?

You are fading as a part of something and into an individual, and in the end we all need that at some point. To figure yourself out, to figure life out in some way, whether others understand or actually believe anything in this blog.

To every negative can be a positive you just have to let yourself find it, no matter what others believe and do to you or what is handed to you genetically or physically. In the end it is your choice which side you focus on and live for and of course you cross to that other side here and there and it is hard to find both the + and - in all things, but which one will you strive for and let drive you?

Tell me is fading a word that would linger on your brain, or is there another one that has multiuse in all ways to all situations?

Are you focusing on its positive qualities or the negative ones?



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