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Let's Be Honest

Did you know there is close to if not over 100 songs that sing about being honest? There are just about 40 songs with just the word honest in the title. There is “Honestly” by the Hot Chelle Rae, “Honesty” by Billy Joel, and "Honest" by The Neighbourhood. The more I investigated this, the more it actually made sense. Many lyrics were sung about a broken trust like cheating which brings in the honesty part but outside of music this word still carries a large load.

When you really think about it we all interact with it in some way daily. Are we being honest to one another, are we being honest to ourselves. May be there are fractions of the time we believe we are being honest but then in turn we are not.

Holding something back is something we may have been taught out of respect, to avoid hurting others, to avoid any animosity, and several other reasons. But in doing so is this being honest? In actuality hiding those thoughts and feelings we could be hiding ourselves away. Now is there pleasant ways to sharing honesty yes, is all honesty accurate no. What we believe to be true at times may not be true such as inadequate facts provided or emotions clouding judgements and accuracy. So when we share our “honest” opinion it may not be liable, but it is reasonable to us is it not?

I am aware of my issues with honesty. Whether it be requiring others to be honest with me or honest with myself because I am not willing or ready to accept something. Letting a lie become the truth because it is easier then shaking things up, to move outside a comfort zone. Also being honest with others. It is sometimes easier than the truth. Easier to stay quiet then risk losing a friend or some form of loyalty if you finally say what is on your mind or heart. Easier to hold it in then risk the repercussions of hurtful looks, opinions, and attitudes.

It is easier to not be honest, but it is so much more rewarding when we are honest. When you finally say what you needed to even in a well-respected way where you may upset someone but on the inside you feel whole. You are no longer holding that in. You can feel a sense of pride that you finally spoke your truth.

I know I am somewhere in the middle, in the process of learning how to be “my” honest. In a stage where I am trying to figure out how I am being honest with myself and what that is or looks like. Learning how to reflect that to others without judgement and irrational thinking.

So in all honesty, are you being honest?


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