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Writer's picturecoffeetime

Listen to those Lyrics


Isn’t it crazy how sometimes you are riding in the car and that song comes over the radio that just fits your mood perfectly? Or maybe you have a song you play on repeat that fits any mood you may be in at any point in time.

There is so many forms of music and types of singing that seems to just connect with anyone at any time for any reason.

There are songs for when your sad and need to just cry it out, songs that make you happy and want to sing at the top of your lungs, songs of rejoice that just fill you with gleam and hope, songs of goofiness that you hear and your like “what” but still bob your head to the tune anyways. Songs to dance to with loved ones or as a group, then there are those songs you karaoke to for enjoyment times. I mean the list could go on.

I love jamming out in my car, even throughout the day when lyrics are stuck in my head. Most times in the mornings I play soft comfortable tunes while waking up with my traveling coffee and then other times I have the windows down freezing out while singing as loud as possible to upbeat lyrics. Whatever I am feeling I know I have my go to songs that just get me through it and some how make me feel better.

I not only listen to the beats but at times need to hear the lyrics. Like movies they seem to connect with life at some point and you feel as your living just as that song is portraying. It some how pushes you through it and understand that moment in time better. I guess in a way gets you to reflect on it while listening to it.


Tell me, what are you listening to?


Better yet, what do you hear?


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