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Looking for a Meaning...

Do you ever have those moments where you feel like “this is a sign” for something? Whether we are trying to look into something, or it just happens. I believe this occurs quite often if I am being honest. At least once in a lifetime for everyone I think.

I believe it could be different things for different people, and in different ways and understanding depending on your beliefs or views. Such as, maybe you have been praying over something for so long and then one day it hits you. There is your answer, that was a response you needed. Somehow it was shown to you, a prayer was answered.

Then again maybe it is one of those life altering moments, like is this job for me or is that job for me then you keep seeing the same thing over and over again over that one job and you’re like, well that is a sign this is the job for me, and you choose that job based on these encounters.

I like looking into the meanings of things. Whether it being something I have been searching for or just randomly see something and I am like, huh does that mean something? Now if researching and curious as to if it does mean something does not mean I automatically believe what I know, hear, or see. Just me being inquisitive about it and learning something new is satisfying enough, for the most part.

Earlier in the year I saw a single buzzard perched within a tree near by above our garden shed in the yard. Now many may not think this strange, honestly seeing buzzards is no rare occurrence. What was strange is I normally see many at once sitting somewhere high over an open area or circling around looking for their next meal. No, what was strange about this was how close it was to home, how calm it was, how at peace it seemed to be, all while not even worried about me and my presence. So I looked it up. I read that it could me a time of death and rebirth was coming, a time for change and a new path would open up. In some ways I could see how I wanted to hear this, or believe it, but in the end it is just the meaning we give it and is it really true or not? Because in all honestly that all-knowing but is it really all-knowing internet also stated this could happen because the buzzard is tired and just needed a place to rest.

Another interesting fact I learned when looking into the meaning of things is those mushrooms in your yard. Besides the mushrooms people eat on pizza or whatever else, I have not heard good things about mushrooms in a yard or garden. In most ways it would seem many despise the growth of mushrooms. When noticing one time all the mushrooms growing in different parts of our yard I looked into it more and realized there are some good for them. Despite how much we chop away at them or cut them down they will continue to grow. They are not only a type of fungi, but they show that your yard is healthy, living, and vibrant. The place they bloom from connects to the land to show there are living bacteria and critters such as worms. Which in this case fishermen, or fisherwomen, would like. More bait for those poles. So in a sense I just looked for a positive meaning to something even if it’s as small as why is a mushroom good in my yard.

Yes, looking for meaning into things and situations is filling for some people. Provides them with hope or with some sort of connection they felt they once lacked. To some aspects like these they are very important and that can be good. Whatever you may need to help or like to do just let it be.

Knowing this, knowing my encounters, what is something you have seen or experienced and wondered “what does that mean”?


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