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Painting with Time

Looking at these five paintings would you think the same individual painted each of them? Even if you do not know much about art I am sure you see noticeable marks or well blending and shading while others look extremely flat with no 3D effect. Well the same person painted each one just throughout the years and yes it was me.

As long as I can remember I have liked art whether it was doodling on my homework or painting a landscape or even just observing it in a gallery of sorts. No I am not saying I am a critic of sorts or even understand most or all art work like a professional would, but have always had this hobby.

When I was in the 6th grade I was able to take a few art classes in which I created several paintings, some of which are included in this blog. I was even able to enter a few in our yearly county fair. Along with those I painted one for my sister (her favorite animal at the time in which still hangs in her childhood bedroom), then one for my mom (which had flowers of her favorite color). I left most with my stepmom who had them hung around the house, but she gave to me once I had a home of my own to hang them in.

Unfortunately over the years I grew away from painting not making the time for it except here and there for specific random projects and realizing each time how I had lost some of my painting skills especially as time went by more and more. My husband tells me it is cause I am too impatient, which if I am being honest holds some truth.

I have lost patience with my artistic side not trying to be as steady and as careful but constantly feel the need to rush through so in turn get aggravated when the finished product does not look like I had originally imagined. I never give up though once I start it I tend to finish it, but just end up changing my original set out plan and settle with how it turns out compared to what I had hoped for.

Reflecting on this I see I lack my past skills due to letting so much time pass between art projects but then again I choose to let so much time pass between projects because I lack the art skill needed causing me unhappiness with finalization and giving me no further motivation to continue with my art hobby. Just an endless circle or reasons why from cause and effect and saddening because I do remember when I use to love painting and taking the time to relax and put my all into a piece of art and now I do not.

So I have to ask you, do you have a hobby or talent you have let go or lost due to frustration and time?


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