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Prank Day

Happy April Fools!

I apologize now, I am not much of a joke person so I cannot open with one of those, but I do have a joke story I want to share on this delightful April fools day!

I have many stories I could probably share. Growing up with a twin then little siblings we loved to prank one another. Scare one another and considering our love for scary movies who wouldn't?

While living with my dad and stepmom we would tie rubber bands on the handheld water sprayer on the sink that way when you cut it on it sprays you instead of coming out of the faucet. Then my mom loves to jump out of dark closets or doorways and yell at you as you walk past in which she did this to me just a few weekends ago I might add. And my husband likes to try and creep up on me with my back turned while I am distracted but luckily my dogs warn me letting me know someone is there in which I would say you can never hide from them but there are times if I am completely still and in an opposite room and they come looking for me it takes them a few moments to search and find me, sometimes they have to go back and forth from one room to mine looking until finally I give my own position up by laughing because they are so cute trying to find me completely confused as to where I went.

But besides those moment this is the one story I really remember that I want to share today.

It was when I was younger, I was maybe 15 and my little brother, who was probably 7 were getting ready for supper one evening and my stepmom was on the phone with my father. Well she called out to us from inside the kitchen, on the other side of the counter bar, and told us dad needed someone to check on something under the house.

Now by this time it is already dark out and the side that had to be checked was the side closest to the wooded tree area and on the end away from the street light and it was even darker from the shadow casted over from our mobile home.

And you do not know this yet, but a fear of mine is darkness.

Anyways I did as what was asked so my stepmom could stay inside with the food cooking and as I headed out the back door she said wait take your little brother. So I did, along with our small inside dog at the time, Rocko, a boston terrier.

For living close to the middle of our small town it was still eerily quite and yet I still walked down to the dark end of our home looking under the house not seeing what dad wanted us to find so had to walk along to the opposite side on the edge of our home completely out of the light now and close to the front of the truck parked in our front yard by the tree line. As I was knelt down about to bend over and under the home I heard something rustling and trudging in front of me, I quickly rose up and looked towards the truck where the noise came from.

Suddenly all I saw was something running towards us from the side of the truck and in my scared young mind it looked like someone in a black robe and their face was hidden but not human. Back then my response in flight or fight was neither. I froze. I did not move except maybe a few steps back into the light of the street light from the back yard as my brother took off back to the back door and our little dog already ahead of him, by the way not a guard dog, slamming into the glass sliding back door that was shut closed not even realizing the door was still not open realizing my stepmom was now watching from the back porch.

And as I remained standing still and frozen with the figure still running towards me finally light shown on them from the street light as they ran closer into the lights path and I then realized it was a mask of some sort and a man in dark clothes that suddenly started laughing.

It was my dad.

He had come home early and called my stepmom to tell her to tell us kids to go out so he could scare us.

I should had known something was up when she followed us out to watch and told us to go further down to the other side where no light was shown.

Yes I was pretty scared and may be upset but looking back now it is quite funny and something I probably would do now.

Now who else plays pranks on their loved ones?

Or do you like April Fools or find jokes annoying and childish?


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