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Writer's picturecoffeetime


Stress effects us all in one way or another. Some can handle stress easily while others cannot. In my college courses stress is mentioned frequently given listening to others problems and helping can be quite stressful and lead to burn out. Many options are provided to cope with and relieve stress. My coffee helps relieve my stress. My mornings alone while waking up sipping on my coffee even if it is for thirty minutes helps relieve the tensions, but it does not last long. I am not sure about you but I tend to stress myself out way more then I should just by how I think. I push my mind beyond its functioning limit by which I mean push it because all I can think about is possibilities of what I can be doing, should be doing, what others are thinking, what others are not thinking. I do not let my brain shut off and recooperate to minimize the stress on it. As much as I tell myself how to change and work on this I continue with the same stressful habits. I have realized though stress unmanaged is negatively effecting my relationships. I let it lead me to acting out or irrational emotions towards people who do not deserve it nor need it.

I must ask how do you handle stress?

If you ignore it may be this blog will open your eyes to help you see you cannot do that for much longer because it may just impact your life without realizing it and may be you need to work on it like me before it is to late.


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