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The Story of X & Mitch

Updated: Mar 25, 2021

The Experiment with X

The Experiment with X is the first book in the series of 2 sided stories. It is based on the lives of two main characters, Mitch and X. It was created to be read from Mitch's POV and also X's POV. If reading the paperback version X's story is on one side and Mitch's story is on the other side. It is to show what happens with each of them at the same time same place while showing what one is truly thinking while the other is thinking something else. It can be quite confusing and may be a little different, but hopefully shows there is always more than one side to a story, so this way it gives you two sides to that story. In the E-version it is full chapter of one's life then the following full chapter is shown of the others; making it seem repetitive, but still giving you a way to see more detail and other paths that were taken.

Experiment in this book title can mean different things; experimentations, experiences with others, experimenting actions and emotions, etc... The Experiment with X is to show how a connection was built and through what means. It shows how X became X and shows the start of a life intertwining with another through certain encounters.

The Experiment with X is an action fiction novel created to spark your imagination with a unique creative type of writing I have adapted and I invite you to join in by reading this story with an open mind if you do like reading books to begin with.

I am a monster. That is all I am in the eyes of others and all I eve will be since they have turned me into this. What else is to be expected?

- X

Those eyes, that stare, her actions. She is not a monster, she cannot be one. I believe there to be more, right?

- Mitch

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The Aftermath of X

The Aftermath of X is the final ending to the lives of Mitch and X. Once again same type of writing and reading and in this title Aftermath can have multiple meanings. The physical aftermath of what X has done and where it all started or the aftermath in a mental attribute where as to you can never run away from what you have done, because your brain will not let you. The Aftermath of X is another action filled novel, but more psychological rather then physical unlike the first book.

As this story unfolds nightmare after nightmare leading to what will be the ultimate ending be for Mitch and X. I wonder was the conclusion of their lives one you were hoping for or what they deserve?

Read along as each describes how they truly feel and see things and why their lives were connected to begin with. Hidden pasts come to light as memories awaken filling each character of thoughts they hate to admit, but eventually have to.

I am finally free of that place, her grasp, if so, why am I continuing to be haunted. Will it always be like this? Will I always be like this?

- X

I finally thought things could go back to normal that may be X was more then everyone thought, but I was wrong. Destruction follows her wherever she goes.

- Mitch

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